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  • Steps follow a folder naming convention of step{progressionLevel}_{stepName}
    • A Step's Progression Level identifies the ordering of execution.
  • All steps receive a common set of input variables (see below)
  • All steps receive the output variables of the steps in the progression level ahead of them.
    • For example:
      • output variables of step1 will be sent into step2
      • output variables of step1 and step2 will be passed into step3
      • so on, so forth
  • Steps will automatically execute tests after a successful deployment, these are primarily used for smoke testing (see below)
  • Steps have two types of deployment, Primary and Regional.

Execution Patterns

In the following Track directories:

Concurrent Steps

├── step1_aws
└── step1_onprem_adgroups

step1_aws and step1_onprem_adgroups will be executed at concurrently at the same time.

Sequential Steps

├── step1_vpc
└── step2_egress_proxy

step1_vpc will be executed first and after completion step2_egress_proxy will be executed.

Concurrent and Sequential Steps

├── step1_vpc
├── step1_aws
└── step2_cool_step
└── step2_special_step
└── step3_something_awesome
  1. step1_vpc and step1_aws will be executed first concurrently at the same time.
  2. After completion of both step2_cool_step and step2_special_step will be executed concurrently at the same time. a. The output variables of both step1's will be passed into step2 steps
  3. After completion of both step2's, step3_something_awesome will be executed. a. The output variables of all step1 and step2's will be passed into step3 steps

Step Deployment Types

Step deployment types facilitate multi-region deployments. runiac will first execute every primary step deployment type in a track. If the primary region deployment is successful, runiac will then run each step's regional deployment type (regional) concurrently across each region defined in regional_regions.


Primary deployments represent all iac in the top level directory of the executing step. Currently, the primary deployment type is executed once per region group. For example, in the us region group, the primary code would only be executed in the primary region of the us region group, us-east-1.

├── step1_vpc
├──--- *.tf


Regional deployments represent iac in the regional directory of the executing step. This code will be executed concurrently N times based on N count of regions defined in regional_regions configuration.

├── step1_vpc
├──--- regional