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  1. All Tracks beside the pre-track will be executed in parallel
  • By definition tracks do not have dependencies on each other. If they do, treat them as one track with multiple steps
  1. For a track to be executed, at least one Step has to be defined within it

Default Track

For projects that are relatively straightforward and don't require multiple tracks, you do not need to use tracks in your folder heiarachy. The benefit of this approach is a simpler directory hierarchy, and you still have the possibility to scale out with multiple tracks down the road.

Be aware that with this simpler approach, you cannot use pre-tracks (see below).

A sample structure from the root directory of your project might look like this:



A pre-track is a track that runs before all other tracks. After this track completes, the remaining tracks are executed in parallel. If the pre-track execution fails, no other tracks will be attempted. To create a pre-track, create a directory called _pretrack in the tracks directory.